Monday, January 19, 2009

Run the Country, not your career.

We the sheeple, in order to form a more defective union, establish deception in the form of domestic tranquility. To provide for no common defense, establish a lot more welfare and, tax the rich until they also fall into poverty.You cannot help the poor by taxing the rich even more than they are. You create tax breaks for the rich business owner so that he can afford to hire more people. The work is out there. I know businesses that need more people, but cannot afford to hire anyone because of the cost of insurance and the incredible taxes they have to pay. Try this on your next paycheck. When you get is, take your net pay, before taxes, now, take out 39%, some of which you already pay in taxes. Now, also account for FICA and SS. So, let's make it easy. Take a total of 45% of your pay and don't use it. Now, a person like me, living paycheck to paycheck pays only 19% for taxes, FICA, and SS, which leaves me 81% of my paycheck to use for bills. Imagine only getting to use 55% of your check. You work years and years building a business only to have larger percentages taken out as you make more. You make 25,000, we take 13%. You make 50,000, we take 18%. You make 100,000, we take 28%. Over 250,000, well, pull down your pants and get out the KY. AMERICAS BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. Cut the golden parachutes and let's get back down to real business. Let's hope someone realizes this before our nation gets into trouble we cannot get our own way out of. Because if we ever have to ask China or the Soviet Republic to help us out, that will be the beginning of the end of Democracy and capitalism. I know I will ruffle some feathers with this, but it is about time someone kicks this bird in the ass.

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