Monday, January 19, 2009

Chevy Chase’s Rant from "Christmas Vacation"

"I want to look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey shit he is!!! Halleluah!! Holy shit!! Where's the Tylenol??"


  1. Thanks from a random Googler looking for the quote....

    1. yeah. I just used it in a business email. Well just the end part after a rant of my own.

  2. Christmas Vacation is my all time favorite Christmas movie. Matter of fact in our family it's a family tradition to watch it after thanksgiving dinner.

  3. I've just used this rant to DHL after they left me a Waybill number because they couldn't deliver a package. I went online and clicked "I'll collect the package". Today - I find out that the package is actually 2 packages. One is useless without the other (I need them both otherwise it won't work). One of them is to be collected as arranged. The other is on a lorry on it's way to be delivered. SO - do I stay in and get 1 and wait until Monday to get the other, or do I go to get the one from the depot and hope they don't deliver in the meanwhile???

  4. you for got the "low life: one between "far flushing" and "snake licking"

  5. it should be "Four Flushing". its a failed Bluff.

  6. Word for word recreation
